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Wing Chun is a close combat martial art initially promoted in west by Bruce Lee. This Kung Fu style was developed by a woman and focuses on efficiency and effectiveness of motion. This is a self defense focused martial art. It uses internal power directed by intention.
Besides learning to direct your inner strength, you will be learning various hand and leg positions, stances, drills, forms, foot work, controlled sparing, wooden stake dummy form and some weapons.
Softness (via relaxation) and performing techniques in a relaxed manner, is fundamental to Wing Chun.
Tension reduces punching speed and power. Muscles act in pairs in opposition to each other (e.g. biceps and triceps). If the arm is tensed, maximum punching speed cannot be achieved as the biceps will be opposing the extension of the arm. In Wing Chun Kung Fu, the arm should be relaxed before beginning the punching motion.
Unnecessary muscle tension wastes energy and causes fatigue.
Tense, stiff arms are less fluid and sensitive during trapping and Chi Sau.
A tense, stiff limb provides an easy handle for an opponent to push or pull with, whereas a relaxed limb provides an opponent less to work with.
A relaxed, but focused, limb affords the ability to feel "holes" or weaknesses in the opponent's structure. With the correct forwarding these "holes" grant a path into attacking the opponent.
Muscular struggle reduces a fight to who is stronger. Minimum brute strength in all movement becomes an equalizer in uneven strength confrontations. This is very much in the spirit of the tale of Ng Mui. This art is very effective for self defense.
There are three open hang forms practiced in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. They are meditative, solitary exercises which develop self-awareness, balance, relaxation and sensitivity. Forms also train the practitioner in the fundamental movement and the correct force generation of Wing Chun.
1. Focus on building body structure through basic punching, standing, turning, and stepping drills.
2. Fundamental arm cycles and changes, firmly ingraining the main tools for interception and adaptation.
3. Sensitivity training and combination techniques.
4. Exploring the internal relaxation and learning to direct the Chi
Depending on lineage, the focus, content and intent of each form can have distinct differences as well as similarities. There are a few different ideas concerning what constitutes progression in the curriculum from form to form. Each teacher has their own way and all those ways are to be respected as well as challenged, to ensure the art continues to progress.
Wing Chun Kung Fu is also well suited for a self defense that we offer here at Eclectic Ground in Denver metro.
Marek's obvious passion for martial arts shows in his teachings. He provides students with detailed instruction to ensure the most effective and efficient learning that fits each student. He is a very diligent teacher as well as student. He continues to deepen his own study in various martial arts to provide well rounded and solid instruction. Marek has studied Wing Chun Kung Fu of Ip Ching's linage since 2012, under the supervision of Keith Worfel - a Wing Chun Athletic Association (VTAA) certified master.
He's had the unique opportunity to visit the Ip Man's Wing Chun academy in Hong Kong and practice with Grandmaster Ip Ching's top students (second eldest son of Ip Man).
Marek holds a "Sifu" certification granted by the VTAA.
Learn and practice Wing Chun Kung Fu virtually at the comfort of your home.
With statue of Ip Man at VTAA Hong Kong